Cooper Trooper Foundation
About Us
The Cooper Trooper Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization committed to helping families who have a child diagnosed with cancer. We do this in 2 tangible ways.
How exactly do we do this?
1.) By supporting siblings, who often endure a heavy burden that is overlooked. We found in our experience of having other children, when Cooper was diagnosed, that there is a huge need for hospital-based sibling resources for parents to take home to their well children. This helps overwhelmed parents to better nurture, care for, and educate them about what may happen in the days ahead. Typically, the child who is diagnosed is in the “spotlight”, and for good reason. However, their brothers and sisters are fighting with them and deserve some special recognition for that. Therefore, the foundation develops and distributes the Cooper Trooper Courage Kit, available to all siblings of children diagnosed with cancer. After all, they are “Troopers” too! The kit focuses on cancer education, celebrating sibling courage, and family care by providing special items just for the sibling, and a book which acts as a resource to the parents, by addressing some of the emotions that siblings feel during this time.
2.) By financially supporting pediatric cancer research, which is severely underfunded. There is a lack of awareness about the HUGE need for pediatric cancer research. Therefore, The Cooper Trooper Foundation supports an Endowed Fund at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, specifically used for pediatric cancer research. Although cancer is the #1 disease killer of our children, there is little being done to find better treatments and a cure.