It’s September…A BIG month for Cooper Trooper Foundation! September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and also when we make our donation to Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt! This year, CTF donated $45,000 toward the fund, which was created specifically to fund childhood cancer research, an area that remains severely underfunded. To date, Cooper Trooper Foundation has given a total of $420,000 toward this fund to help bridge the gap in an area of cancer research that only receives about 4% of U.S. government dollars. Despite childhood cancer being the leading cause of death by disease past infancy for U.S. children, funding for research in this area remains low. It is important that non-profit organizations step up to bring awareness and raise funds, which is why this is part of our mission. And, all of this is just in time for our primary fundraiser, which is what allows us to be able to continue providing these funds for research and sibling support. Come see us Oct. 15th and get your “Pumpkins for a Purpose”…YOU are the reason we are able to continue funding childhood cancer research!

Cooper Trooper Check Presentation Outside the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt
Left view front: Dr. Richard Ho, Missy Cook Brookover (Founder/Exec Dir), Dr. Meg Rush; From Back Left: Ann Peck (Treasurer), Delisa Locke (Secretary), and Matt Benson (Chair of the Board).
Photos by: Susan Urmy